segunda-feira, 16 de setembro de 2024

Once upon a time…pequenas histórias #5

Once upon a time…a lesson was learned:

Never let him tell you twice that he doesn't want to be with you (even without words)!

It was an ordinary spring day. I took my usual seat on the train and before I knew it I looked discreetly to the right. I saw him. Eventually our eyes met. I swear, my heart skipped a beat. I tried with all my might to just look the opposite way, but I couldn't help myself. I was drawn to that man.

He doesn't move much, still warlike. Always looking outside of the window. Serious with the most beautiful small deep dark eyes. Perfect in all the right places, in my eyes anyway. It stunned me when he got up and left at the same stop as me. I felt something familiar.

My stomach tightened when I saw him in the exact same place the next day. As the days went by, he started to notice me. His unobtrusive and introverted kind of way made me interested in him even more. Even though I knew nothing about that man. Again…weeks, months went by and It struck me: I was completely in love with this stranger. A feeling that I kept wrapped in a soft blanket for years.

We started to exchange glances daily, and occasionally he had small interactions with me. I, the shyest person, trembled inside every time he approached me. At some point I was sure that he had feelings for me. Later on, I found out that was not true at all.

The world is small like a marble ball and I found him on a social network. Until this day, I don’t know how and why. My clumsy way made us start talking. Not for long.

He was not only handsome but had the most endearing and deep voice. I was so nervous that my brain went blank. A total fog. I don’t know what I said. But I remember when my whole body melted inside once he said that he had someone. I kept a smile on my face.

Once I left the train, I felt all the emotions: upset, mad (How could he?), sad, heartbroken. But eventually I got it. We are all made of a huge ego and I guess we fantasize with the unknown.

I try to stay away from him, but at the beginning that was not easy. I dreamt so many nights with that man and It took me sometime to just not imagine a life where we started to tell each other all of our fears and hopes.

He tried to tell me without words that I needed to move on. His eyes turned cold on me and It got to the point that I had the feeling that he deeply despised me. The more I avoided him the more we crossed paths. I gave up trying to show him that I was not a nutcase, but actually an amazing f*ck*ng person, as I am sure he is too. This world is broken and we tend to distrust people. Yet, it was only love.

So, let me tell you. Don´t let anyone say more than once that they don’t want you. Ever. Cry all you have to cry, but move on. Sometimes people don’t match with us and that’s all good. Keep in your heart that beautiful feeling of being in love…and fall out of love. And how amazing it is to feel.

Love yourself first. Always. 

Someones story…

Bolo de abóbora

A desejar que o outono e os dias frios e de chuva regressem o mais breve possível...e aqui fica um bolo bem outonal, intenso e aromático para aconchegar o estômago e a alma. 


. 4 | ovos M

. 290 g | açúcar amarelo

. 1 | laranja (raspa)

. 220 g | óleo milho

. 350 g abóbora crua (ralada)

. 280 g farinha de trigo T55

. 4 g canela em pó

. 4 g fermento em pó

. 2 g | sal fino


1. Bata os ovos com o açúcar e a raspa da laranja, até ficar cremoso e dobrar de volume.

2. Junte o óleo em fio, mexendo sempre até homogeneizar. 

3. Rale a abóbora e esprema-a num pano de cozinha limpo ou papel de cozinha, para remover o excesso de humidade. Junte a abóbora ao preparado anterior.

4. À farinha, acrescente a canela, o fermento e o sal. Misture bem.

5. Envolva cuidadosamente os ingredientes secos nos líquidos (apenas até incorporar, não bata a massa).

6. Unte uma forma de bolo inglês com óleo e forre o fundo com papel vegetal.

7. Leve ao forno pré-aquecido a 180ºc entre 45 a 50 minutos. Verifique fazendo o teste do palito.

Bom Apetite!

segunda-feira, 2 de setembro de 2024

Bolo de coco e lima (sem açúcar adicionado, glúten e lactose)

Setembro chegou. Um mês de volta à rotina para muitos; o que implica também comidas rápidas e mais saudáveis, para compensar os excessos que cometemos nas férias. Nem sempre é fácil pensar em receitas equilibradas para levar para o trabalho ou para a escola, principalmente snacks ou lanches. 

Este bolo é uma sugestão que faço algumas vezes, para evitar comprar aqueles produtos que bem sabemos que são tudo menos bons para o nosso corpo. 

É delicioso! 😋Eu sei, "assustador" e "cansativo" ler "sem açúcar adicionado, glúten e lactose", mas garanto que é uma alternativa docinha e incrível para os apaixonados por coco…vá, vamos lá poupar na carteira e na saúde. 😀

                                                         vê a receita em vídeo👇


. 3 | ovos grandes

. 25 g | óleo de coco

. 1 | lima (raspa e sumo) 👉 pode substituir por extrato de baunilha, laranja ou limão

. 2 | bananas médias maduras (+/- 220 g) 

. 100 g coco ralado

. 90 g farinha de aveia

. 2 g fermento em pó

. 1 pitada | sal fino


1. Numa taça coloque os ovos, o sumo da lima, a raspa e o óleo de coco. Bata até ficar um preparado cremoso e espumoso.

2. Amasse muito bem as bananas. Junte-as ao batido anterior e misture.

3. Acrescente a farinha de aveia, o coco ralado, o fermento em pó e a pitada de sal. Envolva bem até incorporar.

4. Unte uma forma de cerca 20 cm de diâmetro com óleo de coco e  forre o fundo com papel vegetal.

5. Deita a massa na forma e espalhe-a uniformemente.

6. Coza o bolo em forno pré-aquecido a 180ºc entre 20/25 minutos. Não o deixe secar demasiado.

7. Retire do forno e deixe arrefecer um pouco antes de desenformar e servir.

Sugestão: Corte o bolo em fatias, e congele-as individualmente, para ter disponível, conforme a necessidade, um lanche mais saudável.

Bom Apetite!